Saturday, November 6, 2010


This genre of movie is favorite for me!

1. One Missed Call 

This is remake of the Japanese horror film "Chakushin Ari" (2003).


After the death of their friend Shelley, Leann Cole receives a voice mail from the future of the date and time when she would die. On the scheduled day, Leann sees weird things and in the precise informed hour, Leann is attacked by a supernatural force on a footbridge over a train station while talking to her friend Beth Raymond. Beth meets Leann's boyfriend Brian, who also received a call, and witnesses his death on the street.....

2. Duplicity


      Ray works for MI6, Claire for the CIA. She burns him in Dubai. Jump ahead five years: he sees her in Grand Central and confronts her. Both now work in industrial security for corporate giants whose CEOs hate each other. Flashbacks fill us in: is it coincidence that he sees her in Grand Central? In about a week, one of the firms is going to announce a revolutionary product....

 3. Streets of Blood

Fantastic cast and their roles!


In New Orleans after 'Katrina', the partner of Detective Andy Devereaux is found dead and is teamed up with Stan Green. During the investigations, an undercover DEA agent is murdered by two dirty police officers....

4. Public Enemies 


      Excellent movie about American gangsters John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson and Pretty Boy Floyd during a booming crime wave in the 1930s. This is the story of the last few years of the notorious bank robber John Dillinger. He loved what he did and could imagine little else that would make him happier. Living openly in 1930s Chicago, he had the run of the city with little fear of reprisals from the authorities....

5. Law Abiding Citizen

                                                             This is the best movie I have ever seen!
A frustrated man decides to take justice into his own hands after a plea bargain sets one of his family's killers free. He targets not only the killer but also the district attorney and others involved in the deal.

A brilliant man orchestrates a series of high-profile murders that grip the city of Philadelphia - all from inside his jail cell.

6. The Stepfather

A realistic story about real life, which keap involved you!


Michael returns home from military school to find his mother happily in love and living with her new boyfriend. As the two men get to know each other, he becomes more and more suspicious of the man who is always there with a helpful hand.

7. Messages Deleted 


Joel Brandt decide to pick up the phone on a message from his answering machine. Thinking it a prank, Joel deletes the message. The caller is found dead. Another caller leaves Joel a message; there is another murder...then another...then another. The killer has Joel's attention, and....

 and I will continue to posting movies!


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