Sunday, December 5, 2010


                   WikiLeaks: News and analysis 

The situation

 U.S. diplomats have gone into damage control mode over revelations in the leaked documents. (Andrew Winning/Reuters)
A large batch of U.S. diplomatic cables was obtained by WikiLeaks and given to several media outlets beginning in November 2010. These messages reveal frank and sometimes unflattering assessments of several world leaders and allies such as Canada.
The whistleblower website gave publications in Europe and the U.S. access to a cache of 250,000 documents. More files are expected to be released in the coming weeks.
The U.S. government has taken steps to control the damage. Attorney General Eric Holder has said his department is conducting a criminal investigation into the leak, while the national security adviser has begun a comprehensive effort to identify and develop reforms.
The WikiLeaks website is struggling to stay online as corporations and governments move to cut its access to the internet. But founder Julian Assange says that bringing down the site won't stop embarrassing documents from being spread around the world.

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